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Information for Veterinarians



With Love From Lily is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization formed to help responsible pet parents when financial issues prohibit the treatment of curable illnesses or disease.  


There’s nothing more heartbreaking for a parent and care giver to know there is something you can do to save an animal, but the family cannot afford the treatment.


It is our mission to lighten the financial burden, to the best of our ability, when a positive prognosis exists.  This is especially true for pet parents that regularly visit your office and take the necessary care to keep their pets healthy.  We especially want to make sure senior citizens and people with disabilities are able to care for their companion animals and keep them in their homes.


It’s very important to refer responsible clients only, when there is a positive prognosis.  While, we appreciate the helplessness of care for any situation, we have a responsibility to our donors and sponsors to spend their money wisely.   We do not have an endless supply of funds.  It’s important to reach those pets that have the greatest chance of survival. 


We prefer to work directly with you to provide assistance when we are able.



There are several ways you can help.


  • Help identify pets and families that meet our assistance guidelines and guide them through the application process

  • Disclose if your client has pet insurance.

  • Direct all of your clients to like our Facebook page and visit our website

  • Solicit donations from your clients to help other families in need

  • Donate or distribute samples of medicines or prescription foods to your clients

  • Agree to provide services, at a discounted rate, so we can help as many families as possible

  • Host a fundraising event, such as nail clipping or microchipping with the proceeds going to With Love From Lily.

  • Donate to With Love From Lily in memorial of a client that has passed


In return for our grant, we ask the following of your clients:


  • They allow us to use their pet’s story and photo on our website and social media sites

  • They agree to pay it forward to any animal welfare charity of their choice in the future through any of the following:

    • Participate and/or help plan a fundraising event

    • Donate or host a food drive for pets in need

    • Donate cat and/or dog toys for pets in need

    • Donate supplies such as old blankets, towels, cleaning supplies to a shelter or rescue

    • Volunteer time at a shelter or rescue

    • Foster a homeless animal through a local shelter or rescue

    • Monetary donations if and when their financial situation improves


Our grant application and guidelines can be accessed through our website.  Go to Programs, then With Love From Lily


We look forward to working with you and your clients.  

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